Legally Bharat

Consumer Commission imposes ₹15 lakh on Emami for unfair trade practices, ET LegalWorld

Highlights The District Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission in Delhi has imposed a punitive damage of ₹ 15 lakhs on Emami Limited for unfair trade practices related to packaging and advertisement. Emami Limited delayed disclosing the exchange filing regarding the damages awarded, initially believing it did not constitute a fine or penalty and is currently contesting […]

Tribunal allows solicitor to continue with ‘unfair work allocation’ claim

Tribunal: Disability claim struck out A solicitor can continue a claim that he was unfairly dismissed for blowing the whistle about biased work allocation practices at a law firm, a judge has ruled. Though he rejected Irwell Law’s strike-out application for this, Employment Judge Cuthbert in Manchester did strike out a complaint of disability discrimination […]