Legally Bharat

The process of paying challans for violation of road rules is set to become more efficient and streamlined, and as convenient as making payments while shopping online.

The transport department is working on implementing a system where automated messages will be sent to violators’ mobile numbers via SMS and WhatsApp, along with details of the violation and the payment process.

“The moment one clicks on the payment option on WhatsApp, they would be directed to a payment gateway with multiple options, including Bhim UPI,” said a senior official.

Transport department officials recently had a meeting with WhatsApp and gave a presentation on the matter, he said. The department is looking to launch the system in the next six months.

To facilitate the process, the department has requested access to the challan database generated on from National Informatics Centre. Once access is granted, the link provided in automated messages will redirect users to the e-challan website, where they can select and pay outstanding challans.

In addition to the WhatsApp option, the department is also working on integrating challan payments with UPI apps like Google Pay, Bhim and other platforms. This will allow people to pay their challans easily and make the process simple, said the official.

“Once a payment has been made through an app, push notifications would be sent every time a new challan is generated,” he added. The system would be started initially for transport-related challans. Depending on feedback, it will be shared with the traffic department.

While the traffic department takes action against signal and safety violations, the transport department enforces pollution control rules, checking for valid PUCC and overloaded vehicles.

The official said currently, since agencies don’t have everyone’s mobile numbers, many people complain they don’t get messages. “Also, with WhatsApp becoming a convenient option for online transactions, it is important that people are sent information through it,” he said.

According to officials, the system will help govt increase revenue as many people avoid paying online challans. Some are not even aware that there is a challan pending.

“Since WhatsApp has a push message facility, it will keep reminding the person there is a challan pending, the way it happens with banks or other companies using the service for outstanding payments,” said the official.

Currently, vehicle owners use govt’s Parivahan’s e-challan website to pay fines. “Many don’t get SMS notifications for challans for weeks. Once the system is in place, this problem will be solved,” said another official.

The challan stays with the transport department for 60 days and can be paid through the website. If not paid within the deadline, it moves to a virtual court for legal action and clearance.

  • Published On Aug 29, 2024 at 02:50 PM IST

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